
  1. The Christian Ideology of New Atheism

    The Christian Ideology of New Atheism

    Michael Burgess presents a talk on how the ideology of New Atheism mirrors that of Christianity.

  2. Disproving God With Philosophy

    Disproving God With Philosophy

    Heini Reinert looks as some of the philosophical arguments against god.

  3. The New Visibility of Atheism in Europe

    The New Visibility of Atheism in Europe

    Dr Stuart McAnulla (University of Leeds, POLIS) delivers a talk about the political aspects of the 'New Atheist' movement.

  4. Humanism for a Better World

    Humanism for a Better World

    Should we be working together, as humanists, for a better world? Richard addresses the potential problems and poses some questions.

  5. The Nature of the Debate

    The Nature of the Debate

    Professor A. C. Grayling discusses the nature of the debate surrounding the related, but separate areas of atheism, humanism and secularism.

  6. The Atheist Responses

    The Atheist Responses

    Chris Worfolk regularly discusses some of the most common arguments that come up when discussing religion and what the arguments and counter-arguments to these are. These can be seen in the "Debating the Theists" talk which can also be found in the collection.

  7. Is Atheism the new Coca-Cola?

    Is Atheism the new Coca-Cola?

    Norman Ralph discusses whether the non-religious movement is suffering from a lack of brand identity, and what can be done about it.

  8. Perspective: Humanism

    Perspective: Humanism

    Recorded as part of the Leeds Perspective Citywide events in 2011, Tim Stephenson presents an introduction to Humanism.

  9. A History of Atheist Charity

    A History of Atheist Charity

    People have often claimed that religious people are more generous when it comes to giving to charity. The stats don't hold up though - Sweden give the biggest percentage of their GDP to charity in the world; they're also one of the most irreligious nations.